

Make yourself comfortable during your visit!

Next to the regular registration for exhibition entrance, for the first time VIV offers exclusive packages including entrance to the VIV Hospitality club.

Upon purchase of the Hospitality package along with your registration, the VIV Hospitality Club (located in Hall 106) provides you with a selection of snacks and beverages, WIFI connection, and a great place to relax, do some work during the whole show time, any time you feel like a rest.

What should you expect?    

  • One reserved seat and table
  • Good WIFI connection
  • Free flow soft drinks, coffee, tea and bites 
  • Cozy space, away from the exhibition buzz but easy to reach within the show ground

The Hospitality ticket is mandatory to get access to this service/area of the show. Please note that the number of hospitality tickets is limited.

How do I get my ticket?

Step 1) Register for VIV Asia 2019 as visitor (get your show badge).
Step 2) Click on the “Book now” link on your registration confirmation email. 
Step 3) Book and pay online. 

If you already registered for VIV Asia, please go to the confirmation email that you received in your mailbox, and press on the “please click here” link to modify your registration details. On that page, you can book your Hospitality ticket.  

    Price and conditions:

    • The cost of the hospitaly ticket is 99 euro for 3 days (10:00 to 18:00, during 13-15 March, 2019, at BITEC Hall 106).
    • The ticket is personal and shall be showed, together with your ID, when getting access to the Club for the first time.
    • 1 ticket gives access to the club to the register person only.
    • The reservation availability is limited and offered on a first-come-first-served basis.