
Carlos Gonzalez

Corporate Director of Vaccination Services & Equipment department at Ceva Corporate

Born in Madrid, Spain, in 1976, Agronomist Engineer (by Polytechnic University Madrid), Bachelor Degree in Humanities (by Open University Cataluña), Master in International Marketing and Executive MBA.

More than 20 years in the Animal Health and Animal Production industries. Currently, Corporate Director of Vaccination Services & Equipment department in Ceva.

Improving chicks quality, immunization and biosecurity by smart vaccination

In a market where competition and antibiotic-free production is a constant pressure for poultry producers, optimum chick health at day-old is paramount in order to reach performance goals efficiently. In this context, Laser Life is a new generation candling technology to improve chick health thanks to reducing contamination. 

The combination of this new candling technology with the latest in ovo vaccination equipment makes a synergistic difference on immunization and bio-security.

This is the new smart vaccination concept.