
VIV Asia 2019集约化畜牧展专业观众超过45,000,海外观众占比高达65%


VIV Asia作为VIV worldwide系列展会的旗舰展,以其广阔的资源网络和行业专注度,为亚洲和全球的畜牧业搭起了一座桥梁。在参观VIV Asia 201945,023人次中,其中65%来自泰国以外的120多个国家和地区,此次展会的国际化程度颇高。较上届展会61%的国际观众比例进一步提升。随着亚洲市场的发展,越来越多的国际目光投向了这片充满前景的土地。

中国观众是整体海外观众中最大的组成部分,且人数较上届增长了12%。观众来源前10 的国家和地区除了中国以外,还包括:印度、菲律宾、越南、印度尼西亚、马来西亚、孟加拉国、韩国、台湾和巴基斯坦。值得注意的是,柬埔寨在本届展会中跻身进入观众来源国前20之一。尽管在展会开幕前的空中管制影响了一部分观众前往展会参观,来自巴基斯坦、缅甸、日本、尼泊尔和伊朗等国家和地区观众们依旧热情高涨。

除了观众,VIV Asia的日益国际化,也在参展商方面充分显示。正如展前所说,来自全球62个国家和地区的1,245家参展商(与2017年相比增加18%),于BITEC展览中心全馆开展,净面积31,007平方米(与2017年相比增长30%),其中10个国际展团带来了新的企业和前沿产品。其中,加拿大和日本展团在2019年首次加入VIV Asia的队伍,来自比利时、中国、法国、韩国、西班牙、台湾、泰国和美国的展团对于VIV Asia的观众们来说已是老面孔。另外,来自塞浦路斯、厄瓜多尔、芬兰、约旦、立陶宛、摩洛哥、缅甸、巴拉圭、突尼斯和乌拉圭等新参展国家的企业首度展出。

主办方在展会结束后的10天内进行了一项调查,结果显示,VIV Asia 2019参展商的满意度为8.1分(满分10),观众满意度为8.6分(满分10)。并且,观众参观展会的时间更长,比起2017年,在展会的第二天和第三天,观众重访次数增加了3%。除此之外,此次VIV ASIA还有诸多精彩看点。

展出范围&产业链覆盖更全面。VIV Asia在现场,观众不仅可以看到上千家企业的精彩展示,还可参与涉及各个领域的会议和论坛,以满足学习、交流、分享经验的需求。展会主办方VNU与各方合作伙伴、参展企业总共组织了86场会议活动,来自世界各地的200多名重量级嘉宾发表精彩演讲和分享,话题涵盖热带地区农业、动物疾病预防、无抗生素、养虾技术、实践案例、风险控制和减压的创新技术、区域政策、市场发展趋势以及技术和商业主题等。所有的活动详情均可在VIV Asia 2019的展会回顾中找到。展会回顾将在四月中旬之前发布在www.viv.netwww.vivasia.nl上。


其次是亚洲兽医协会联合会(FAVA)主办的“抗生素抗药性:从科学到政策”研讨会,共有231名与会者参加。另外,在展会第一天,由VIV Qingdao 2019亚洲国际集约化畜牧展(青岛)和VIV worldwide联合组织的“China Connects中国畜牧行业国际联动”活动,为中国畜牧业、食品业和全球合作打造了一个商务交流平台,并举行了VIV Qingdao 2019的海外新闻发布会,正式发布VIV中国2.0版本。


展会最后的两天举行的食品工程领域相关会议,即“MEAT 360°趋势与创新”,“亚洲食品与科技趋势”和“食品工程大会”共吸引319人次的参会。在98号展厅,100家参展企业的强大阵容现场展出了食品工程领域的创新技术和产品,其中包括全世界在蛋白质食品加工和再加工的龙头企业。食品工程在VIV Asia 2019成为了新的招牌,并且必定成为VIV所涉及领域中的重要支柱。

食品工程,包括食品加工和处理,其展出面积占VIV Asia 2019总展览面积的10.5%,与上一届相比增长了93%。在展会的98106号展厅,展出了从饲料相关到食品工程的内容。从展览面积而言,养殖生产板块占比24.5%,育种孵化企业、农作物技术和饲料技术解决方案占比均为6%,饲料原料和添加剂达到37%,动物保健14%,以及2%的媒体和咨询公司。

高品质的专业观众。VIV Asia 2019除了拥有畜牧行业超高人气,还有超出行业平均水平的质量。573名行业领袖参观了展会,其中大部分参观时间超过1天。VIVIndustry Leader行业领袖计划为VIV的展会成功邀请和组织了行业具有独特影响力的领军人物,他们除了被邀请参加相关会议活动,还在供应商配对方面享受展会主办方的定向服务。


顺应行业趋势,服务行业发展。VIV Asia的成功与畜牧行业的积极创新发展密不可分。畜牧人士多年以来的努力拓展,不但造就了自身的成长,也打造出了一条卓越的价值链。VIV全球国际集约化畜牧展高度践行为行业服务的理念,VIV worldwidePositive Action Publications在展会开幕式上再次颁发了亚洲杰出人物奖,今年获奖的5位知名人士是:曾任MSD现任AviagenRafael MonleonNoplit Sermsaksasitorn、来自FPTAxel ArrasAlain RecroixThaweesak Songserm教授。

展望未来:VIV Asia将为亚洲推出新项目

VIV Asia正式公布VIV旗下一项全新的贸易展及论坛,新项目重点关注动物蛋白生产中的饲料、制药和遗传学等领域。VIV health & nutrition Asia 2020是VIV worldwide新推出的商业展会。这个新的展会将完全致力于营养、制药和高科技动保解决方案,与其它全产业链的VIV展会理念不同。它将于偶数年在VIV Asia同一场馆——BITEC展览中心举办。

下一届VIV Asia将于2021年回归。展会主办方VNU Exhibitions Asia PacificVNU Exhibitions Europe在此向所有参与VIV Asia 2019的全体人员献上诚挚的感谢。

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Elaine Huang

电子邮箱: elaine.huang@vnuexhibitions.com.cn

Happy Easter from all of us at the VNU Agrifood team! 🐰🐣🌷

#vivworldwide #vnu #vnuagrifood #happyeaster

Happy Easter from all of us at the VNU Agrifood team! 🐰🐣🌷

#vivworldwide #vnu #vnuagrifood #happyeaster

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❗️Final call! You have just one more day to explore all the exhibitors at Health & Nutrition Asia and VICTAM Asia in Bangkok. This is your last chance to dive into business discussions and absorb the wealth of knowledge available. Don't miss out! 🐣

#healthnutritionasia #vivworldwide #vnuagrifood

❗️Final call! You have just one more day to explore all the exhibitors at Health & Nutrition Asia and VICTAM Asia in Bangkok. This is your last chance to dive into business discussions and absorb the wealth of knowledge available. Don`t miss out! 🐣

#healthnutritionasia #vivworldwide #vnuagrifood

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Snap your moment at Health & Nutrition Asia 2024 and post it on social media! 📷

Tag us when posting your photo, and the 20 posts with the most likes win a Central card voucher for 1,000 baht!

#healthandnutritionasia #vivworldwide

Snap your moment at Health & Nutrition Asia 2024 and post it on social media! 📷

Tag us when posting your photo, and the 20 posts with the most likes win a Central card voucher for 1,000 baht!

#healthandnutritionasia #vivworldwide

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Health & Nutrition Asia 2024 is overflowing with engaging content, exceptional sessions, and insightful conferences!
#HealthNutritionAsia2024 #vivworldwide #vnuagrifood

Health & Nutrition Asia 2024 is overflowing with engaging content, exceptional sessions, and insightful conferences!
#HealthNutritionAsia2024 #vivworldwide #vnuagrifood

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What an incredible start to Health & Nutrition Asia and VICTAM Asia!

If you weren't there, you've missed a vibrant showcase of innovation and networking. But don't worry, there’s still two more days to join us at BITEC in Bangkok!

#healthandnutritionasia #vivworldwide #vnuagrifood

What an incredible start to Health & Nutrition Asia and VICTAM Asia!

If you weren`t there, you`ve missed a vibrant showcase of innovation and networking. But don`t worry, there’s still two more days to join us at BITEC in Bangkok!

#healthandnutritionasia #vivworldwide #vnuagrifood

14 0 instagram icon
🌟 Health & Nutrition Asia and VICTAM Asia 2024 will open their doors at 10.00 AM today! 🌟  Join us from 12-14 March 2024 at BITEC in Bangkok, Thailand, for innovation in nutrition, pharmaceutics, and high-tech animal health solutions.

🔔 Haven't registered yet? No worries! You can still secure your entry by visiting www.vivhealthandnutrition.nl. 

Don't miss this unique opportunity to explore the latest trends, innovations, and solutions in the health and nutrition sector alongside industry professionals. We are looking forward to seeing you there! 🌐✨

📍Location: BITEC, Bangkok, Thailand
📅 Dates: 12-14 March 2024

#HealthNutritionAsia #VICTAMAsia2024 #vivworldwide

🌟 Health & Nutrition Asia and VICTAM Asia 2024 will open their doors at 10.00 AM today! 🌟 Join us from 12-14 March 2024 at BITEC in Bangkok, Thailand, for innovation in nutrition, pharmaceutics, and high-tech animal health solutions.

🔔 Haven`t registered yet? No worries! You can still secure your entry by visiting www.vivhealthandnutrition.nl.

Don`t miss this unique opportunity to explore the latest trends, innovations, and solutions in the health and nutrition sector alongside industry professionals. We are looking forward to seeing you there! 🌐✨

📍Location: BITEC, Bangkok, Thailand
📅 Dates: 12-14 March 2024

#HealthNutritionAsia #VICTAMAsia2024 #vivworldwide

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👩‍🌾 Happy International Women's Day! 🌐 

Today we honor the strength and resilience of women everywhere.  It's also a day to acknowledge and reflect on the contributions of women in the workforce. 👩‍🍳 

Did you know? Globally, 36 percent of working women are employed in agrifood systems, highlighting their indispensable role alongside 38 percent of working men in sustaining and nurturing our communities through their hard work and dedication. 👩‍💻 

Here's to the strong women of today and the future generations we are raising to follow in their formidable footsteps. Happy International Women's Day! 👩‍🔬 


👩‍🌾 Happy International Women`s Day! 🌐

Today we honor the strength and resilience of women everywhere. It`s also a day to acknowledge and reflect on the contributions of women in the workforce. 👩‍🍳

Did you know? Globally, 36 percent of working women are employed in agrifood systems, highlighting their indispensable role alongside 38 percent of working men in sustaining and nurturing our communities through their hard work and dedication. 👩‍💻

Here`s to the strong women of today and the future generations we are raising to follow in their formidable footsteps. Happy International Women`s Day! 👩‍🔬


13 0 instagram icon
👩‍🌾 Happy International Women's Day! 🌐 

Today we honor the strength and resilience of women everywhere.  It's also a day to acknowledge and reflect on the contributions of women in the workforce. 👩‍🍳 

Did you know? Globally, 36 percent of working women are employed in agrifood systems, highlighting their indispensable role alongside 38 percent of working men in sustaining and nurturing our communities through their hard work and dedication. 👩‍💻 

Here's to the strong women of today and the future generations we are raising to follow in their formidable footsteps. Happy International Women's Day! 👩‍🔬 


👩‍🌾 Happy International Women`s Day! 🌐

Today we honor the strength and resilience of women everywhere. It`s also a day to acknowledge and reflect on the contributions of women in the workforce. 👩‍🍳

Did you know? Globally, 36 percent of working women are employed in agrifood systems, highlighting their indispensable role alongside 38 percent of working men in sustaining and nurturing our communities through their hard work and dedication. 👩‍💻

Here`s to the strong women of today and the future generations we are raising to follow in their formidable footsteps. Happy International Women`s Day! 👩‍🔬


4 0 instagram icon
👩‍🌾 Happy International Women's Day! 🌐 

Today we honor the strength and resilience of women everywhere.  It's also a day to acknowledge and reflect on the contributions of women in the workforce. 👩‍🍳 

Did you know? Globally, 36 percent of working women are employed in agrifood systems, highlighting their indispensable role alongside 38 percent of working men in sustaining and nurturing our communities through their hard work and dedication. 👩‍💻 

Here's to the strong women of today and the future generations we are raising to follow in their formidable footsteps. Happy International Women's Day! 👩‍🔬 


👩‍🌾 Happy International Women`s Day! 🌐

Today we honor the strength and resilience of women everywhere. It`s also a day to acknowledge and reflect on the contributions of women in the workforce. 👩‍🍳

Did you know? Globally, 36 percent of working women are employed in agrifood systems, highlighting their indispensable role alongside 38 percent of working men in sustaining and nurturing our communities through their hard work and dedication. 👩‍💻

Here`s to the strong women of today and the future generations we are raising to follow in their formidable footsteps. Happy International Women`s Day! 👩‍🔬


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In less than a week, Health and Nutrition Asia is about to open its doors in co-location with Victam Asia. Have you already prepared your visit for next week? ✨📝

🤝 Who can you meet and visit on the floor? Check the full exhibitor list on: vivhealthandnutrition.nl

💺 An extensive conference program awaits you. Book your seat at the sessions of your choice: vivhealthandnutrition.nl/visit/conference-program/

🎫 Haven't registered yet? Register your visit online and skip the line at the entrance of the show: https://www.databadge.net/viah2024/reg/

🚖 How to get there? Schedule your transport to the BITEC venue: https://www.bitec.co.th/visitor/getting-here

🌏 When business is over, Bangkok has plenty of activities for visitors to enjoy: https://vivhealthandnutrition.nl/visit/more-about-bangkok/

See you next week in Bangkok! 👋

#healthandnutrition #healthandnutritionasia #victamasia #tradeshow #conference #animalhealth #animalnutrition #nutrition

In less than a week, Health and Nutrition Asia is about to open its doors in co-location with Victam Asia. Have you already prepared your visit for next week? ✨📝

🤝 Who can you meet and visit on the floor? Check the full exhibitor list on: vivhealthandnutrition.nl

💺 An extensive conference program awaits you. Book your seat at the sessions of your choice: vivhealthandnutrition.nl/visit/conference-program/

🎫 Haven`t registered yet? Register your visit online and skip the line at the entrance of the show: https://www.databadge.net/viah2024/reg/

🚖 How to get there? Schedule your transport to the BITEC venue: https://www.bitec.co.th/visitor/getting-here

🌏 When business is over, Bangkok has plenty of activities for visitors to enjoy: https://vivhealthandnutrition.nl/visit/more-about-bangkok/

See you next week in Bangkok! 👋

#healthandnutrition #healthandnutritionasia #victamasia #tradeshow #conference #animalhealth #animalnutrition #nutrition

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Plan your trip to BITEC during Health and Nutrition Asia 2024 🌏

🚖🚉 BITEC is perfectly situated in the heart of Bangkok. The easiest ways to reach BITEC are by taxi or by BTS Skytrain. Visitors can get off the train at Bang Na Station, exit 1. From there, it is just a short walk to the exhibit.

📍How to reach the BITEC venue: https://www.bitec.co.th/visitor/getting-here

🎫 Plan your visit to Health and Nutrition Asia and register your visit here: https://vivhealthandnutrition.nl/registration/

#healthandnutritionasia #healthandnutritionasia2024 #vivworlwide #animalhealth #bangkok #tradeshow #animalnutrition

Plan your trip to BITEC during Health and Nutrition Asia 2024 🌏

🚖🚉 BITEC is perfectly situated in the heart of Bangkok. The easiest ways to reach BITEC are by taxi or by BTS Skytrain. Visitors can get off the train at Bang Na Station, exit 1. From there, it is just a short walk to the exhibit.

📍How to reach the BITEC venue: https://www.bitec.co.th/visitor/getting-here

🎫 Plan your visit to Health and Nutrition Asia and register your visit here: https://vivhealthandnutrition.nl/registration/

#healthandnutritionasia #healthandnutritionasia2024 #vivworlwide #animalhealth #bangkok #tradeshow #animalnutrition

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