
Booth: 1650

Sector: Processing / Food Engineering

High Speed – Fast Food

Satisfying the Increasing Need for More Convenience
There is a growing wish to balance hectic everyday life with healthy and sustainable meals, and poultry is preferred over other types of meat. The taste of chicken is popular and the meat is easily transformed into tasty snacks and fast food products. To keep up with demand, poultry processors need high line speeds and fully automated processes. At the BAADER booth at VIV Asia, we exhibit our highly flexible evisceration solutions that allow a single-line processor to process varying flock sizes and supply multiple markets such as food service and retail.
We also present the new ClassifEYE 2.0 vision camera that takes camera monitoring to the next level by using Artificial Intelligence to determine product and processing quality and allows processors to take data-driven, fast decisions. We will also run live demonstrations on a complete food service cut-up line to show the system’s high degree of precision and flexibility. Our cut-up lines are capable of providing specialized food service wing, keel, breast, thigh and drumstick cuts.
Finally, yet importantly, we will show you how to recover valuable meat left on the carcass or utilize meat affected by growth-related abnormalities for high-quality processed products such as nuggets, sausages or cold cuts to meet the rising demand for convenience food and increase product value. The BAADER Refiner technology protects the meat structure and delivers poultry ground meat with a good appearance and low fat and calcium content.

The rising preference for ready-to-eat food is driving the growth of the global frozen food market. To be ahead of the competition, poultry processors need a flexible freezing solution that protects quality and yield. SKAGINN 3X is a new member of BAADER and an innovative producer of IQF (Individually Quick-Freezing) solutions that fit the requirements of poultry processors focusing on fast product freezing, best product appearance, and high yield performance. The SKAGINN 3X experts have extensive knowledge of freezing technology and will be available at our booth to answer all your questions related to freezing.