

Please note that VIV Asia 2025 is now sold out. Ongoing enquiries will be considered for the 2027 edition. Meanwhile, if you have further questions in regards to exhibiting at VIV Asia 2025, kindly email elisavet@vnueurope.com or philippe@vnueurope.com. Thank you!  

Company details

Primary contact

Correspondence & invoice address

Desired exhibition space

There's a fixed registration fee of € 595,- per exhibitor. A-locations are subjected to a surcharge of 10% per sq.m.

Which show topic fits best to your product/services? (multiple options possible)

For which species are your products/services? (multiple options possible)

This form is a manifestation of interest and is not legally binding. The exhibitor‘s primary contact will receive a proposal for participation via email directly from our exhibitor portal system